Why Eisenhower’s strength of character is supreme

The story of General Eisenhower and character

Strength of character is supreme

General Dwight D. Eisenhower was the Supreme Allied Commander of the European Theater of Operations during World War II and responsible for the success or failure of the D-Day operation on June 6, 1944. The operation brought together the land, air and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest invasion force in human history. General Eisenhower did not come by this responsibility easily. Some may even say that he was an unlikely candidate to fill this role. It was the General’s steadfast character over a lifetime that led him to the fate of the D-Day operation that launched the beginning of the end of the war.


Why I’m writing this blog: Inspirational stories of virtue

Inspirational stories of virtue tested in battle

Why I’m writing this blog: Inspirational stories of virtue

Inspirational stories of virtue tested in battle:

  1. Educate readers on little known or forgotten stories from military history.
  2. Entertain readers who share the love for military history.
  3. Elevate readers by sharing stories of virtue to inspire us to be better people.
To understand where I’m going with this, perhaps it may be help to start with what inspired me early in life and what brought me to writing stories about military history.
